Monday, December 28, 2009

Sherlock Holmes

Being a fan of the Sherlock Holmes saga I had some big expectations. Having Robert Downey, Jr. play Sherlock was a little "iffy" in my mind. I was worried that since Director, Guy Ritchie, wanted to bring the martial artist side of Sherlock out; that he would just play the same role as Ironman and it wouldn't meet my expectations. Downey knocked this out of the park. He was fantastic as Holmes. This movie was an all around thriller. The cinematography, the action, and the acting kept you hooked the entire time. You felt as if you were there alongside Holmes and Watson trying to figure out the cases. My wife and I were constantly leaning to each other; coming up with our own ideas of what would happen and who did what. This movie will keep you on the edge of your seat, keeps you guessing, and when its over you are craving more.

I give this movie 4.5/5 Detective Teams.


Tori Klein said...

I love when you let me know the blog is updated! Love your are good at them! Wish i could see as many movies as you and the wifey...awesome !!

nichole said...

This is a great review. It makes me want to see the movie. Good Job!

She She said...

Can't wait to see it! Thanks for the update! Love, Mom

Reid Robison said...

I was not disappointed. This was a great movie. Nice review.

David said...

Great review!!

Vinyl Lettering said...

Great Movie!

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