Thursday, December 31, 2009


In life you can hear a story over and over told by many different people, but until it is told with conviction and passion it probably won't make a difference in your life. Such is the case with Avatar. The core of the story has been told many times, but this time it was powerful. It was captivating. The movie slowly got you hooked and then you were anxious to see what would happen, rooting for them to pull through. The animation and intense detail were simple magnificent. James Cameron did a fantastic job of making this movie compelling and interesting. If you are not sure about this movie; as I was when I saw the preview. I can say that the preview does not do it justice in the least. Find someone you know that has seen it and chances are they loved it.

I give this movie 4.5/5 Na'vi.


David said...

Loved this movie!!

Vinyl Lettering said...

One of my favorite movies of all time!

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